- Adel Imam
Adel Imam Films List

Beware of the Line

Adel imam , samir yousef , Labiba , Samir soubri , Abdel alah gargali , Esama Abas , abdel Salam Mohamed , Laila fahmi , Zakariya Moufa , Fouad Kalil . Mohamed Farid

Release Date :1984
Video Description : This film was released in 1984 . This is a funny Adel imam film based in pure comedy . Through this film as always Adel imam is reminding about several rules such as honesty , simplicity and many other.
Video Details :
Dial-up: 56k - 240x180, 15 fps, Flv ~96 kbps
ADSL: 256/512k - 320x240, 30 fps, Flv ~250 kbps
Broadband: 1024k+ - 400x300, 30 fps, Flv ~768 kbps
Audio Dial-up: 22 kHz, Flv, 1(Mono) ch, ~56 kbps avg
Audio ADSL: 22 kHz, Flv, 1(Mono) ch, ~64 kbps avg
Audio Broadband: 44 kHz, Flv, 2(Stereo) ch, ~128 kbps avg

Number of View: 218467


Beware of the LineBeware of the LineBeware of the LineBeware of the Line

56k Lowest Quality

256/512k Medium Quality

1mb High Quality

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15 Rating: 6.6/10 (2302 votes cast)


Adel imam in this film plays a triple role : 1)  Khosousi 2 ) Al khot 3) Mother of Khosousi and Al khot .Adel imam is working as engineer in this film being very simple and honest men .

His friend (director) was cheating and writing all document as signed with Adel imam name , in this case if someone discovers his work all problems will belong to Khosousi .

The director bad work was revealed and Khosousi was forced to disappear or to seat in the jail .

This is where Adel imam game start , masking his identity under Al khot  and the Mother of Khosousi and Al khot , until proving his Innocence .

The film end with Adel imam being a pure innocent and his director in the jail .

Name :
Comment :

One of Adel Imam\'s best



i\'s good

lina jobarah
The name of the movie is \" Beware of the Khet\" not \"Khat\" which means \"line\"

lina jobarah
The name of the movie is \" Beware of the Khet\" not \"Khat\" which means \"line\"

Mody 3zz
adel imam da basha we rafe3 ras masr kolaha i love you adelyou are king of arab

semh barcha

this is one of my favorite Adel Imam movies!!!!!


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