مجموعة افلام عادل امام

Site officially launched

مرحبا بكم في موقع عادل إمام على شبكة الانترنت ، يحتوي هذ ا الموقع علي معظم أفلام عادل إمام ، والمشاهدة مجانيا تماما ...


1 - Possible compatibility issue with Internet explorer wile playing video :
The Flash player version 10 has some issue with our player and Internet explorer , in some case the video does not show up , for better experience use flash player v9 , until next fix from Macromedia.
Version 9 (flash player) : Flash Player Version 9 (Highly recommended with our site and many other popular like youtube...)
Version 10(flash player) : Flash Player Version 10 (Not recommended, Under Internet explorer 5/6/7 the video previews windows may fail...)

2 - JavaScript is required :
Our site is based on Ajax function , having JavaScript disabled will prevent you from adding comment , rating video , searching and a lot more.
Ajax is based on Php/javascript which facilitate the site usage and improve its functionality.

3 - For more question contact us :
Please use the contact form to contact us about any issue , suggestion or comment . The contact form is located here. : ( Conatct us )


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